In 2014, I created the “Modeling and Fluid-Structure Computation” (MOCA) course at the Toulon School of Engineering (SeaTech) and was in charge of it until 2024. This training develops cross-disciplinary skills in mechanics, applied mathematics and numerical methods. Indeed, the new challenges in mechanical engineering are multidisciplinary and often require the implementation of high performance computing. The new advances in scientific computing and the evolution of computer equipment have made it possible to develop “computational mechanics” in industries and in particular the use and development of calculation codes in solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, but also their interactions and couplings. The training alternates theoretical and practical lessons and has many outlets in most industrial sectors: aeronautics, automobile, oil industry, energy, environment…
In 2024, the training model has evolved (here).
In this context, I have developed many courses:
- Continuum Mechanics (handout in French, slides in French, slides in English)
- Beam theory (handout in French, slides in French)
- Finite Elements, finite volumes, finite differences
- Fortran 90
- Thermomechanics
- Numerical methods
- Fluid-Structure Interaction
- Multiphase flows
- Scientific computing