Porous Media Flows
Steenhauer Experiment
Flow in non saturated porous Media and Saint-Venant flow using discontinuous finite element method (Camille Poussel 2024). Computation with the code RIVAGE with a strong coupling.
Bardex Experiment
Flow in non saturated porous Media using discontinuous finite element method (by Jean-Baptiste Clément 2020). Computation with the code RIVAGE. Weak coupling with a Saint-Venant simulation code SWASH.
Verne Dam
Flow in non saturated porous Media using discontinuous finite element method (by Jean-Baptiste Clément 2020). Computation with the code RIVAGE. Simulation of the filling of the Verne dam.
Vauclin Test Case
Flow in non saturated porous Media using discontinuous finite element method (by Jean-Baptiste Clément 2020). Computation with the code RIVAGE. Test case of Vauclin experimental confrontation.